Zita’s high-touch BBD bonuses

AND when you join BBD with my bonuses, you get all of James Wedmore’s bonuses PLUS mine!


Unlock exclusive bonuses worth over $2,000 when you enroll in BBD!


James Wedmore’s BBD is a game-changer.

Pair it with my five six exclusive, high-touch bonuses, designed especially for creative entrepreneurs with vibrant, busy minds ($2,000+ value, yours completely FREE), and you’ll have the ultimate toolkit to ignite your business growth. With these resources, you’ll harness your creativity, streamline your efforts, and turn 2024 into your breakthrough year!



Unlock exclusive bonuses worth over $2,000 when you enroll in BBD!


James Wedmore’s BBD is a game-changer.

Pair it with my five exclusive, high-touch bonuses, designed especially for creative entrepreneurs with vibrant, busy minds ($2,000+ value, yours completely FREE), and you’ll have the ultimate toolkit to ignite your business growth. With these resources, you’ll harness your creativity, streamline your efforts, and turn 2024 into your breakthrough year!



BBD is a comprehensive program that helped me go from having no audience to selling my first program to 15 people in only three months.

Business by Design (BBD) offers a clear, step-by-step framework for entrepreneurs to systematically build and scale their businesses. With comprehensive execution guides, proven business blueprints, and personalized strategy development, BBD simplifies the entrepreneurial process into a fool proof and FUN ride… Think of it as the LEGO Building Instructions for your Digital Business. The course provides detailed SOPs for every business aspect, from marketing to product launches, ensuring everything clicks into place efficiently. Ideal for entrepreneurs overwhelmed by excessive information, BBD helps streamline operations, enhance clarity, and promote sustainable long term growth. Register now and transform your idea into a thriving reality.

James Wedmore is a digital marketing expert with a proven track record who helped me & thousands of others with all our business goals

With over 16 years experience as an expert running a consistent 8-figure a year online business, James Wedmore has spent the last decade teaching entrepreneurs how to launch and scale their digital brands. Beginning his career as "The YouTube Guy," James made a name for himself teaching online experts how to leverage the power of video and YouTube marketing to reach more people, share their message and convert more customers. In 2016, James made a massive shift to focus on a big gap missing in the marketplace: the mindset needed for entrepreneurship. He launched a totally woo-woo podcast, the Mind Your Business Podcast and his signature program, Business By Design. Today he helps coaches, experts, content creators, and authors not only to craft better marketing messages but also how to ditch the “hustle” mentality and create true and lasting success from the inside out.

James Wedmore is a digital marketing expert with a proven track record who helped me & thousands of others with all our business goals

With over 16 years experience as an expert running a consistent 8-figure a year online business, James Wedmore has spent the last decade teaching entrepreneurs how to launch and scale their digital brands. Beginning his career as "The YouTube Guy," James made a name for himself teaching online experts how to leverage the power of video and YouTube marketing to reach more people, share their message and convert more customers. In 2016, James made a massive shift to focus on a big gap missing in the marketplace: the mindset needed for entrepreneurship. He launched a totally woo-woo podcast, the Mind Your Business Podcast and his signature program, Business By Design. Today he helps coaches, experts, content creators, and authors not only to craft better marketing messages but also how to ditch the “hustle” mentality and create true and lasting success from the inside out.

This 12-week program covers everything mindset and productivity to offer creation and sales, ensuring you build a scalable, profitable digital business with more freedom to enjoy your life.


BUSINESS by Design

In Module 1, you identify your beliefs about business that hold you back — without you knowing it. Specifically, we’ll look at your ways of thinking about three of the most critical areas of your business.


WORKING by Design

In this module, you master the habits and strategies of being super-effective in everything you do. You see where you should really focus your time and energy for maximum productivity. 


OFFER by Design

In this module, you'll learn how to strategically design a business that creates maximum value—including how to set up the right product path, offers, and business models that suit your needs and the needs of your ideal customer.


SALES by Design

In this module, you get the templates and frameworks for attracting a following and creating irresistible marketing messages that convert like a machine!


TEAM by Design

In this module, you’ll see how to strategically build a team to grow your business, no matter your budget or what stage of business you’re in. So you can focus on the things you were meant to do.


SCALE by Design

In this module, you’ll see how to build momentum in your business. And then ride that momentum to scale your business. To grow it 2x, 5x, even 10x or more. All without working 10 times harder.

+12 play-by-play launch maps & execution guides

12 (yes, 12!) of James' "LEGO Instruction Manual" Launch Maps and Execution Guides! PLUG & PLAY ready-to-follow-yourself, or hand off to your team for instant implementation!

+20 plug & play PROCESSES

These done-for-you checklists take all the guesswork out of “process-izing” all the most important parts of your business. Right down to the smallest detail, so EVERYTHING is covered.

Use them to keep yourself on track. Or simply hand them off to your team so you can be sure they know EXACTLY what needs to be done to complete any task.

The Quick-Start Bonus Bundle

THREE POWERFUL courses to help you get all the help and support you need inside Business By Design, including:

  • The Nail Your Niche 2-DAY Workshop
  • Course in a Weekend Program
  • 30-Day List Generator Program

The Rapid Growth Bonus Bundle

This BONUS BUNDLE was created with YOU in mind! You'll get three business-growth gifts that you're gonna love!

  • Profit Producing Case Studies
  • Outsource Your Business Mini-Course
  • Absolute Automation Program

+8 LIVE Business-Breakthrough Group Coaching Sessions

James created Business By Design to be the fastest, easiest way for you to go from hopeful to successful — from employee mindset to Digital CEO.

But he also created it to be the most supportive. So that’s why BBD is now delivered LIVE with 8 weeks of live training and group coaching!

Got a question? Doubts? Uncertainties? Something – anything – not making sense?


A Team of 9 BBD Coaches Hosting 24 Office Hour Sessions

Imagine just how much further and FASTER you'll go when you can hop on an Office Hour Call with a coach to get your burning questions answered LIVE!

Introducing the BBD Coach Office Hour Calls!

Every other week for 16 weeks, you'll have not one, but THREE options to hop on a Zoom call hosted by our Certified BBD Coaches to support you no matter where you're at on your journey!

A TICKET to an unforgettable LIVE EVENT

  • Exercises and activities that will let you uncover anything that’s getting in your way and keeping you from life-changing breakthroughs.
  • Live  coaching sessions with James and his entire team.
  • Hot seats where you can bring your biggest sticking points to get solutions and answers from James and a brilliant group of your fellow BBD Members.
  • Opportunities to network with like-minded entrepreneurs where you learn cutting-edge strategies and tactics... where you build partnerships, find affiliates, and collaborate. All in a fun, no-pressure atmosphere.

Real stories of Business by Design's impact


Could I ever imagine that I would be making more than $120,000 in less than six months with only one course and two launches? I mean, never ever.

"I passed from not having a list to having a list of 8,000 people. From not having a Facebook group to having a group of 5,000 people. From 4,000 people in Instagram, tonight, 14,000 people on Instagram. I have 200 students, more than 90 incredible video testimonials and I'm changing lives."


I stopped reinventing the wheel. And I began to plug into systems that worked!

"BBD was everything that we were missing ten years before. BBD was that community and that resource of other people who understood where we were, and were not going to allow us to be a victim of our circumstances.

And it's really cool that we actually have a story that we've gone from absolutely nothing and zero, to now approaching a 500 thousand dollar income."


Within 3 months of starting the program, I completed my first-ever live webinar-based launch and hit nearly $20K in sales!

"And that was with only 1400 people on my email list. And only 400 of them having registered for the 2 live webinars. What's even more amazing is that now I can see the whole picture more clearly. And I have a path to follow for the entire lifetime of my business."



Exclusive bonuses when you enroll in Business By Design through me

Unlock these bonuses designed to supercharge your business growth when you join Business By Design through my link. These bonuses are crafted to accelerate your success, ensuring you receive high-touch, personalized guidance while benefiting from BBD's comprehensive program.

Here’s what you’ll receive: 


Exclusive bonuses when you enroll in BBD through me

Unlock these bonuses designed to supercharge your business growth when you join Business By Design through my link. These bonuses are crafted to accelerate your success, ensuring you receive high-touch, personalized guidance while benefiting from BBD's comprehensive program.

Here’s what you’ll receive: 

Value: $997

Bonus #1

Mindful business plan implementation program

A spot in the limited-space, exclusive beta launch of my 10-week productivity & accountability program.

This program is designed to help you focus, stay on track, and bring your best idea to life in just 90 days. We'll get your 90-day plan in motion in our ten weeks together.

It's a distraction-free, focused, and aligned program that will empower you to take small and steady steps in your business, all while keeping your personal needs in mind.

Value: $297

Bonus #2

45-minute 1:1 strategy call before the program starts

Ensure you get the most out of the business plan implementation program with a personalized strategy call. We'll tailor your plan to fit your unique needs and set you up for success right from the start.

Value: $297

Bonus #3

45-minute 1:1 strategy call at the end of the program

At the end of the 10-week program, we'll have another one-on-one session to review your progress, identify your next steps, and ensure a clear path forward.

Value: $397

Bonus #4

Weekly accountability emails and Q&A sessions

Starting January 2025, you'll receive weekly accountability emails for seven weeks to keep you in motion at the beginning of the new year. You can also ask me questions via email, and I'll provide answers in a weekly Q&A session in a dedicated Slack channel.

Value: $97

Bonus #5

Recording of My 3-Day Mindful 12-month planning workshop

Access a recording of my workshop where I guide you through my Mindful 12-month plan workbook to create a mindful, effective, high-level 12-month plan for your business.

Value: $2,497

LIMITED Bonus #6

Sign up for Business by Design with my bonuses on June 18th or 19th and get an exclusive bonus valued at $2,497! (Only 2 spots left!)

This limited offer includes an 8-week one-on-one planning and productivity coaching session with me, Zita Major, from September 16th to November 8th, 2024.

Here's what you'll get:

  • An 80-minute strategy call to create your 8-week roadmap.
  • A hypnosis session to release your main blocks and boost momentum.
  • Weekly 30-minute coaching sessions (seven calls).
  • Weekly 45-minute retro, planning, and coaching sessions (seven calls).
  • A 60-minute summary call to review your results and next steps.
  • Access to a Slack channel for quick questions answered asynchronously.


How to Get Your Bonuses?


Enroll in BBD Today using the link on this page


Once you sign-up, forward your receipt to [email protected]


I will email you back with access to your bonus package.

People said about working with me

"Before our coaching sessions, I was constantly anxious and all over the place, with no real routine. You helped me find clarity and focus. The workflows we created together are life-changing. Now, productivity feels so natural. And I have clear boundaries to protect my personal life. Thank you!"

Mia, Freelance designer

“Zita, you helped me see things from a completely different perspective, and now my momentum is soaring! I haven’t felt this energized in YEARS. THANK YOU soooo much!”

K., Illustrator

“Thank you so much again for the session on Wednesday. It was so powerful and moving. I have always associated myself with birds—the delicate, gentle, flighty ones—but you facilitated the surprising experience of meeting my inner tiger. Now she has awoken!”

Shauna, Freelance writer

Don't miss out on these exclusive bonuses!
Enroll now and transform your business.


Why I’m the best person to help you succeed?

As someone who is also enrolled in BBD, I know exactly what you're going through. I've faced the same challenges and felt the same excitement about launching and growing an online business. I know how amazing BBD can be, but I also understand that it can be tough to stay on track once the initial excitement wears off.

That’s where my bonuses come in. They’re designed to keep you motivated and help you make the most out of BBD and my programs. Here’s why I’m the best person to help you:

Shared experience: I’ve been through BBD myself, so I get it. I know the ups and downs and how to navigate them effectively.

Consistent support: My bonuses are timed to give you support when you need it most. From our initial strategy call to weekly accountability emails and Q&A sessions, I’ll be there to keep you focused and moving forward.

Perfect pairing: BBD gives you an amazing framework to build and grow your business. My program adds a personal touch, helping you stay on track and motivated. Together, they make a powerful team.

Momentum boost: I know how easy it is to lose steam, so my bonuses are all about keeping your momentum going. With strategy calls, weekly check-ins, and support via Slack, you’ll have everything you need to keep pushing forward.

Creative and practical help: As a mindful productivity coach, I specialize in helping creative entrepreneurs like you. I’ll offer practical advice and unique insights to help you harness your creativity and achieve your goals without burning out.


I am an AFFILIATE for Business by Design. This means, if you decide to purchase Business by Design through the links on this page, I get paid a commission. With that being said, I ONLY promote products and people that I use, trust, and stake my reputation on. James Wedmore, and BBD are no exception.

For any questions, reach out to me at [email protected].