I've been there. 

Do you ever find yourself wondering what to do next when there’s no urgent deadline? Or maybe you see your big goals and feel overwhelmed about how to start tackling them. If that sounds familiar, I totally get it. I’ve been there, feeling stuck and unsure about how to proceed with the daily chores, let alone the big, dreamy projects. 

Scattered thoughts?

We'll tackle your goals together, set up systems that don't feel like a chore, and find ways to make consistency your new best friend—even on those days when you feel like a hot, stuck mess.

For anyone struggling with →

Feeling scattered, needing a clearer vision, or feeling paralyzed when it comes to starting things (or following them through),

I'm here. We'll find a rhythm that suits your unique needs, adapting as we go so you never feel stuck in a routine that doesn't fit your life or your energy.

Get started

with my free workbook, the Mindful 12-month plan. This workbook will clear up confusion and make you want to move forward. After going through it, you'll have a clear and simple map of your next 12 months, designed with your unique purpose, values, and energy levels in mind.


Get started

with my free workbook, the Mindful 12-month plan. This workbook will clear up confusion and make you want to move forward. After going through it, you'll have a clear and simple map of your next 12 months, designed with your unique purpose, values, and energy levels in mind.


I also write inspiring letters. The kind you cherish and wait to read with your “smells like home” coffee.

Lifelong learner

I'm a former designer specializing in coaching, strategy, hypnotherapy, and NLP. Always learning, always ready to work on my mindset & strategies. I live in Iceland with my little family of four: Peter, my husband, and our two kids, who are ten and twelve.